Gardens, Fencing, Verges and Footpaths
The gardens, verges and footpaths of Moor Park add greatly to its attractiveness. However, they also bring their own responsibilities.
Changes to the layout of frontages require planning approval in the same way as any other building work. A scale plan or drawing and the payment of the appropriate building levy should be sent to the Company with any proposal.
The open character of front verges of properties in Moor Park is part of the original design of the Estate, dating from the 1920s and reemphasised in the local authority’s Conservation Area plan and appraisal of 2006. see link…
Low hedges or shrubs, low walls or open grass lawns are all acceptable transitions from a front garden to the verge. New gates, railings and high hedges are not permitted by the Company and are not acceptable within the Conservation Area regulations.
Gates, hedges or railings installed prior to 2006 are allowed to remain but they must retain the original pre-2006 specifications and not be enlarged or extended.
Planning permission is required for the erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or any other means of enclosure which exceeds one metre from ground level to the front of your property. A fence of no higher than two metres may be erected from the front building line to the rear boundary of the plot.
Verges and Footpaths 
Grass verges are considered to be of high landscape quality and they provide a pleasing visual aspect across Moor Park. The Company will reject applications for either new or extended crossovers transiting the verges. The Company also requires owners to restore the original verge or crossover if changes are made by residents or developers without first seeking permission.
In a few places, residents have developed a verge so that it resembles an extension to the front garden. This is acceptable. However, the verge area can only consist of grass, approved crossovers or trees that the Company has planted or has approved. Please be reminded that any such verge treatment does not, in any way, change the Company’s ownership of the verge. The Company may at any time alter the verge at its sole discretion, for example by re-installing a footpath. In any case, nothing must be done to interfere with the pedestrian use of a verge. No flowerbeds, hedges, shrubs, lights or other obstructions should extend across the plot boundary on to the verges or the footpaths.
While in most cases the verges and footpaths between front boundaries and roads belong to the Company, by long established practice each property owner maintains the verge and the footpath alongside the frontage or side boundary. This practice has arisen because it is a more cost-effective method than paying money to the Company to employ contractors for this purpose.
Gutters and gullies on the Estate, apart from Astons Road and upper Main Avenue, are the responsibility of the Company. The main underground drainage pipes are the responsibility of Thames Water. Affinity Water deals with the supply of fresh water to properties on the Estate.
The Company arranges for gullies to be professionally cleaned out on a regular basis. The Company’s staff and contractors endeavour to keep gutters and drain covers clear of debris.
Residents are asked to not only be vigilant in keeping gutters and drain covers fronting their properties clear but to ensure that their gardeners do not blow leaves and other garden rubbish off their property onto the gullies. There have been occasions when flash floods have caused flooding problems because gullies and drain grills have not been kept free of debris.